Git Rebase vs. Merge

📆 ⏱️ 4 min read 📚 published in git and software engineering

In every team I’ve been part of for the last few years we’ve always had a debate sooner or later if we should use a git merge or git rebase to keep a branch up-to-date with it’s source branch.

This post sheds some light on the pros and cons of both and my opinion on what you should use for your team.

Before I go on, let’s get on the same page what a few terms mean throughout this article:

  • public branch: a stable branch where changes come together. It’s usually a protected branch and history rewrites are forbidden. In the simplest workflow this branch is often called main.
  • non-public branch: every other branch next to the public branches. These may be feature branches, bugfix branches, … you name them.
  • source branch: the branch from where another branch was created from. Most often this is a public branch.
  • target branch: the branch where another branch should be merged into. Most often this is a public branch and the same as the source branch.

tl;dr: in the summary here.

The Situation

When we develop a change, be it a new feature or a a bugfix, we usually create a dedicated short living branch for this particular changeset. Let’s assume we created a new feature branch called feature/spaceship based on the main branch. The goal is to implement that spaceship and eventually merge it back into the main branch.

Developing a spaceship certainly takes some time and our colleagues already continued merging other changes into main in the meantime. One particular feature, the engine framework is especially interesting for us and we need to get these changes somehow into our feature/spaceship branch.

Situation with new commits on main

To get those new changes from main into our feature/spaceship branch, git provides us a variety of options. We’ll look at the most promising ones: merge and rebase.

Merging changes into feature branch

The most intuitive one may be to perform a merge1. However, when performing a merge we’ll end up with a new merge commit2 on our feature/spaceship branch:

Merge main changes into feature branch

We might be okay with that for a single update, but what if we have to merge multiple times? Every single time we’d get another merge commit, like illustrated here:

Merge main changes into feature branch multiple times

This massively pollutes our feature/spaceship branch with unnecessary details about when we’ve updated our branch.

This gets especially annoying for reviewers when we want to merge back our feature/spaceship branch into main.

In the above figure a reviewer who looks at the change set is often only interested in the Implement spaceship blueprint, Implement spaceship thruster and Implement spaceship landing platform commits. However, the feature/spaceship branch at this point contains all the Merge updates from main into feature branch merge commits.

Rebasing feature branch onto changes

Another option would be to rebase our feature/spaceship branch onto the latest version of main. A rebase always implies that the history of the feature/spaceship branch has to be rewritten. Which in most situation is absolutely fine, because feature/spaceship is a non-public branch and no one cares.

Using a rebase instead of a merge effectively avoids the merge commit and leaves no traces about the synchronization history of the feature branch with the source branch.

Reusing the first merge example here, and performing a rebase instead of a merge would lead to the following graph:

Rebase feature branch onto main


The git history is a valuable tool to reason about the work which has been done over time. Every non fast-forward merge introduces a merge commit on the target branch which adds an additional lineage to the git history3.

When merging from public to non-public branches and vice-versa the history becomes unnecessarily complicated and it becomes hard to reason about it. In addition, and especially, for active projects and/or longer-living non-public branches, multiple synchronizations with a public branch may be performed. When using merges, this would introduce a merge commit every single time on the non-public branch.

Therefore, a git rebase should be used to synchronize the non-public branches with public branches. This ensures a linear history in the non-public branch. When submitting the changes from a non-public branch back to a public branch use a Pull- or Merge Request and use an actual merge there. This will introduce a single merge commit on the public branch which is okay, because the reference to the non-public branch is still intact.

  1. to a lot of people probably because a merge is often introduced first when learning git and concepts like Merge / Pull Request usually perform a merge, too. ↩︎

  2. for no fast-forward merges. The merge commit will have two parents, one for each of the branches. ↩︎

  3. a new lineage because a merge commit has two parents ↩︎